"I just wanted to let you know again how much our family enjoyed being a part of your summer arts this year. It was a very special opportunity for us to be a part of such an authentic experience. Katya and Chloe both were very inspired, and Katya continues to work on designing her own wire framed creations at home."
-- Lara Spangler (parent)
"Elizabeth takes children and adults to the limit of their imaginations and then offers her hand and gently inspires them to go on."
-- Susan Mackay, Center for Children's Learning, Director, Portland Children's Museum
"You nuture our spirits and get to know us deeply, so you can see where we come from and help us on our journey as we try to figure out where to go. No matter how many classes I take I always learn something new. I know for sure that I will never grow up enough not to come back to your studio where magic happens."
-- Emma, age 13
“Elizabeth is a gifted teacher who works from a strong image of children as resourceful, competent and full of rich connections. She is responsive and holds a keen sense of awareness for what her students need to move forward in their work—whether it is to talk with other students, offer questions, offer examples and resources or consider other possibilities. She creates an atmosphere for students to laugh, play and tap into their imagination, while supporting them to reflect and develop their own vision, which is nurtured and guided, so that their work is always original and rich with personal meaning.”
--Kimie Fukuda, Teacher, Opal Museum Preschool